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Top things to ask mom this mother's day


Mother's Day is almost here and, while there are many beautiful gift options, there's nothing that says I love you better than showing mom you want to know more about her story.

At Memories In Writing we believe everyone has a story to tell and every story matters. Our business was born out of a desire to learn more about the people we love and the circumstances that made them who they are and were.

This May, we want to encourage you to sit down with your mom, grandmother or any other motherly figure you treasure and get to know her life a bit more. We're providing a few prompt ideas to jump start your conversation.

1) Tell me about a place you love that you've never lived. Does it feel like a second home? What do you love about it?

2) What scent instantly transports you back to a specific time in life (i.e. the lotion your grandmother wore, or the peppermint candies your dad kept in his sport jacket...)?

3) What was becoming a mother really like for you? Was it exciting or scary? Were there unexpected challenges or tiny moments that created big joy?

4) If you don't mind sharing, tell me about the first time you fell in love -- who was it with? Was it requited or unrequited? How long did it last?

5) Tell me about the time you got in the most trouble as a child? Were you acting alone or with a group? Who caught you? What was the punishment?

6) What is your proudest moment of your first 20 years of life?

7) Do you remember any games or activities from your childhood that kids today wouldn't know? Can you teach me how to play or do them?

This Mother's Day season, we hope you'll sit down with the mom (or moms) in your life and truly take time to get to know the person they were before you came around. Whether you take notes or just build more memories, let them know their story matters because they matter to you.

She'll love the gesture. We can just about guarantee it.

If you liked these suggestions, you'd love our DIY Memoir Workbook and/or Interview Service options. Visit our homepage to learn more and let us help you get started recording mom's story today.

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1 Comment

May 28, 2023

Nice that comments can now be added. Nice article

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