You're a historical figure.
Does that sound strange to you?
It might, but it's true. All of our stories make up the fabric of history in our communities.
All across the country local historical societies are seeking information to enrich the stories of their community. What does that look like? Well, it depends where you live.
In big cities, it might look like a large museum with collections of artifacts, notable residents and stories of big moments.
In small towns, it might look like a neighbor who raised funds to open a small one room display of old yearbooks and personal stories.
Whatever the case may be, these organizations have a common thread. They all depend on stories -- your stories, our stories.
According to historians.org, "Small historical societies play an important role in protecting and preserving the historical record and also interpret the past to the public."
Further along in the same article, the author notes many of our country's smaller local historical societies are underfunded and rely on grants and subsidies to continue operation.
That means, they also often rely on real people sharing their stories instead of funding expensive exhibits. This is where we come in.
It's pretty easy to connect to your local historical society or the society for the community where you grew up. It can be as simple as a quick Google search. Try googling the name of the community and historical society. You may find the organization has its own website with contact info or even a Facebook page where you can connect.
From there, just reach out. Ask what materials or stories they may be interested in obtaining and offer what you can.
You may think you don't have much to share, but that old yearbook in the back of your closet or even the oral history of your grandparents' old farm could do wonders for a small local historical society.
Trust us, it can't hurt to reach out and ask. Even better, you might learn more about the community that made you just by opening that line of communication.
If you're wondering how to get started preserving your own story, you'd love our DIY Memoir Workbook and/or Interview Service options. Visit our homepage to learn more and let us help you get started recording your story today.
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-old-pictures-3617536/