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love is our most potent memory


Updated: Nov 5, 2022

What is the biggest love you ever felt?

That may feel like a loaded question. Maybe it’s obvious or maybe you’ll have to dig deep, but noting the answer is worth your while.

Love looks different to everyone and each of us experiences a variety of relationships and types of love over the course of a lifetime.

For many parents, the biggest love they’d ever felt came the moment they held their child for the first time. For most of them, that moment was just the beginning of a love that would grow in unimaginable ways and challenge them more than they ever thought possible.

You see, love isn’t all bubbly feelings. Love is the ups and downs. Love is holding a dear one as they cry and lifting glasses of champagne to celebrate with them.

The biggest love you’ve ever felt might be toward the parent whose hand you held as you said a final goodbye.

Maybe it was a partner who promised forever and spent decades building your own idea of a dream life right alongside you.

Love looks different for each of us, yes, but each of us needs it. It’s an integral part of the human experience.

Love drives us.

Love makes memories.

As we speak with clients for our Memoir Interview Service, we find the stories most often shared are those rooted in or leading to love – stories of how they came to be parents or grandparents, stories of their first few dates and the night he proposed marriage.

When you sit back and think about your life, the moments you remember best are most often those that held you in love. Even when you were challenged, if you’re lucky, the memories you cling to are how your friends and family showed up to hold you through the challenge.

Love is our most potent memory.

If you’re wondering how you can get started recording your own story via our Memoir Workbook or Memoir Interview Service, we’re available to answer questions anytime at Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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