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Where you’ve been and what you’ve done deserve their day too

New Year, New You? Think again. What if this year we throw out the expectations of who we can become and instead focus on all we already are and everything we’ve already done?

I’ve known people in my life who wasted all of their years dreaming of what they thought they should or could become. I’ve known people who, facing the end of their journey on Earth, regretted things they’d never quite accomplished.

I love a New Year. I love a fresh start. I love the chance to sit down and evaluate where I am today and where I’d like to be tomorrow. But I simply cannot live in a state of wishing things were different without appreciating all I’ve been through to make it to this very moment – without acknowledging (with gratitude) the survival of so many things. 

The turn of a calendar doesn’t have to be about self-improvement. Not when it could be about appreciation for the many ways you’ve pulled yourself through your toughest challenges so far.

Think about it, each of us, given the chance to live long enough, has experienced countless hard times. 

And yet, here we are. Still alive to turn another page of a calendar and start fresh with a brand new year.

I don’t mean to trash resolutions or give up on goals. Of course we should all continue to grow and move forward toward our best selves. Of course it’s good to continue to write down where you hope to be in the future and build upon your successes. 

But what if life isn’t only what you could be?

What if where you’ve been is enough?

Consider this your New Year challenge – take five minutes to write down three accomplishments you’re proud of from the last year. Sit with that list and say thank you to yourself for pushing through the challenges to reach those goals. 

And then, when you’re ready, set yourself up for more successes in the New Year – successes built on the foundation you’ve already laid out for yourself.

Happy New Year from the team at Memories In Writing. 

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